Slave Owner and all round nice guy :)

Friday, October 20

Gotta find something else to do

Events are conspiring against us.

Firstly, it's that time of the month - well, that time of the year as brat's monthly cycles are turned into biannual cycles by her contraceptive implant. Cue lots of mood swings, comfy undies and days in bed. Grr.

Secondly, it's that time of the semester. Half-term. One week chock full of kids.

Thirdly, the collar's on its way. Good timing, eh?

I may try my hand at some fiction. No promises, mind.


Paul said...

Well Fitz, hope brat feels better soon.
I'd like to read some of your fiction.
I didn't think that I could write fiction, Tiggr persuaded me to, she's good at that, I don't say it was good, but I'm told it was readable.
Catch you later,

Kayley said...

Fitz, about the period crap stuff - I hate it myself. But guess what? Pain passes like a miracle if she gets a nice spanking and a healthy orgasm. How do I know? *giggles* Tried it once and never gave up afterwards. I prefer this treatment to Ibuprofen. hehe If I'm alone, I skip the spanking but always go for the second thing. hehe Who cares about messy when you hate he pain?


Tiggs said...

Yeah, I agree with both of the above comments... first, go spank the brat regardless of what she says... it will do you both a world of good. And second, pass along any said fiction for my Friday game... I would seriously LOVE for you to play.

Only point of argument? Paul writes very, very well... far beyond "readable"... as always, the man is far too modest! Now do I have to turn on my feline, er, I mean feminine charm to get you to send me a story or what? But first, go spank that brat good and hard...


Theresa said...

Well this post made my uterus hurt...and that ain't the part of me I want to hurt!


Master Fitz said...

Paul: Our bouncy Tiggs does have a good line in persuasion, doesn't she?

Kay: Ibuprofen is evil. We've tried the orgams treatement for period pain before. It's true, it totally rules!

Tiggs: LOL! Rest assured that any ramblings I manage to tape together out of my deranged, perverted mind will be winging its way to you juast as soon as its fit for public consumption. I've tried my hand at erotic fiction before with mixed results, so we'll just have to see how it goes...

Oh, and brat's thanking you from the bottom of her...bottom for your suggestion to spank her anyway...

Theresa: Erk, I'm sorry hun!