Slave Owner and all round nice guy :)

Saturday, September 23

She just keeps on surprising me

Yesterday was grocery day chez Fitz, which means we usually pop along to the local city cenre and keep a shrewd eye out for pervertable implements.

We found a very yummy replacement for the cheapo paddle I'd picked up the other day, which got tried out across brat's hand and which was duly reported as being "Very nice", a stupid leopardprint bat which absolutely refused to administer any pain whatsoever and - joy of spanko joys - wooden spoons for a mere 25p (50c for our over the pond friends).

At this point, brat got somewhat...excited, announcing that her pussy was, not to put too fine a point on it, drenched.

It didn't help when I surreptitiously bent her over in the next aisle and gave her a couple of test whacks with that spoon.

Her mood after that could only be described as euphoric - dancing through the shop singing out "I'm gonna get spanked!" and constantly making horny little yummy noises.

Well, obviously, we made our way home as quickly as possible and pretty much as soon as we'd dried off from the rain and put the most perishable items away, out came mister spoon and over went the brat.

What followed was a very exciting, very juicy, very stingy spanking that left the poor thing with a sensetive bum for the rest of the evening. I say spanking, but really it was about six separate spankings because she's begun craving that stingy glow that comes from a well abused bottom, so she kept coming back for more, draping herself over the arm of the sofa again and again, wiggling herself at me and practically purring as I held her down and laid in with gusto!

The only problem I've encountered with this new-found joy of being spanked is that she's begun shrugging off her punishment canings. She actually managed to notch up nine demerits recently, something which, just a few days ago would have been devastating and left her on the virge of tears. Instead, she literally shrugged them off. Oh yes, her ass stung like fuck afterwards, but not enough to change her attitude, so after some thought and a little discussion on the subject I decided she was to be punished again, but this time recieving much harder strokes.

Well, that did the job. I've found a new way of making her punishments undesirable, which is just the way I want them. To my delight, the punishment park from two days ago is still there today, sitting proudly underneath the one she got yesterday.

I'd begun to think I was being a little lenient on her. Well, now I'm happy. And brat is a happy, bouncy, chastened, cane-fearing slave all over again. All is good in the world!


Mel said...

Oooh another Brit M/S couple. *clink* Here's to a new relationship!

I find I become accustomed to punishments, often the best way to get over that is to not be punished for two weeks - allowing time for my bottom to become sensitive again.

Be careful with cheap wooden spoons, the last one we had broke in two right in the middle of a scene.

Master Fitz said...

Hi Mel, thanks for dropping by. Loving your blog, by the way!

We've lost the tips off three canes and a very yummy paddle so far by using cheap alternatives. It's certainly worth investing a few quid on decent equipment, for sure.

I shudder to think how many demerits brat would rack up if she knew she was to be given a fortnight off - though whether the shudder is from fear or anticipation, I'm not too sure :)

Anonymous said...

I found your link through mel's blog and was surprised to notice you link to us! :) Thank you so much. I took a look around your blog and really like it. :) I'll return your link today on my blog and defiantly be back..

Master Fitz said...

Hey Padme!

Yep, I've been following your blog for a while now - always a great read.

So glad you like this place. Early days yet, but I've definitely got plenty of things to write about in the future.

"...defiantly be back"

Love the freudian slip!