Slave Owner and all round nice guy :)

Thursday, September 28

Bad Girl spanking

The antics of my brat's family is something of a soap opera, with goings on which would curl anyone's hair.

They've always claimed to be a close family - which unfortunately equates to sibling squabbles, fallings out and sometimes full-on guerrilla warfare. For this and other much darker reasons, brat has suffered with depression for a long time. I'm honoured to say that my love for her over the last almost ten years (and my diligence in removing her from the direct influence of the damaging elemens of her family) has slowly but steadily helped to dispel much of her problems - the agreement to follow a DD M/s relationship being one of the most effective "treatments".

Now and again, however, something will prey heavy on her mind and she'll be in danger of reverting to the sullen, depressive soul that spent 14 hours in bed every day and refused to accept anything good in her life.

This week has been a bad week in that regard.

I should expalin first that neither of us work. I have been a stay-at-home dad to our two little girls for the last six years (with various stints working in bars over the years) due mostly to brats' depression (long-term and post-natal), and brat is currently studying to become a qualified Reflexologist (she's already qualified in a number of holistic therapies and eventually wants to set up her own business). Therefore, we have been blessed with four solid days together this week.

Tuesday morning, brat asked to return to bed for a couple of hours while I did the school run and visited the doctors with my bad knee. I agreed, but told her that I'd want her awake and attentive when I returned.

I slid ino bed beside her and gently woke her up - which she did grudgingly. While I tried my best to make the rest of the day enjoyable - a nice romantic cuddle followed by lunch out - brat did nothing more than complain, criticise and basically whinge her head off, no matter how nice and understanding I tried to be.

Finally, after I'd spent two solid hours trying to talk her out of her funk and get her to the point of leaving the house to go to lunch, she delivered the final straw, getting angry over some imagined confusion about how much time we had, where we were going and what she wanted for lunch when we got there.

There comes a time when even the most patient Master will reach the end of His tolerance and brat was simply showing no signs of slowing down on the mad spiralling journey of anger and confusion she was on, so it was in desperation and sadness that I decided I would have to deliver her first proper Bad Girl spanking.

I ordered her over the arm of the sofa and, holding her still with one hand, built up a steady, stinging rhythm with the other. It was a sign of her state of mind that from the very first - not amazingly hard - spank she was complaining. Throughout the spanking I lectured her on what I thought was wrong with her behaviour, how I wanted her to straighten out, how her contradictions and attitude were threatening to spoil what I'd planned would be a very nice, sweet day together.

Her protests eventually turned from pleading to anger as the pressure of the spanking increased and when I eventually gave my hand a rest, she broke position and ran our bedroom where she lay and cried. I gave her a few minutes, then followed her upstairs. She was still being defiant, but I got the impression that the spanking had done its' job as she was not so much bothered about the mechaincs of the day as aggrieved at me for the punishment. I gave her an ultimatum - I was going to go back downstairs and continue getting ready to go out. If she still wished to be my slave and accept my discipline, she would follow me down, apologise for her behaviour and we'd try to rescue what we could of the day. Otherwise, the M/s relationship would be through.

She took all of thirty seconds to make up her mind. I held her in my arms while she wept and apologised, then we finally went out and had a reasonably nice afternoon shopping together.

It wasn't much of a punishment to be honest and she frankly deserved much more, but it really did seem to do the job - at least temporarily. As you'll find out in my next post, the depression didn't stay away for long and Wednesday saw a crisis point and a far more extreme solution...


Tiggs said...

Master Fitz,

I LOVE your site. Admittedly, I stopped by this morning for the first time and I will most definitely make you a daily stop (or as daily as time allows for me). I read throguh your most recent posts but will be back to read more this weekend... great style and flair, very conversational and easy to read.

I couldn't help but notice that you "pulled" the threat approach... hmmm... sounds familiar. We're still working out where we stand but the D/s still exists below the surface. Only the punishment spankings have ended, but believe me, he can easily match that intensity just for funsies!

As I'm guessing you already know, I have many similarities with your brat... should she ever want to chat, please ask ehr to drop me an email... I'd love to help anyway I can. I've been where she sometimes goes, even now. The M/s will make a HUGE impression should she allow it to truly do so, to go beneath the surface and the superficial!

Hey, why not send me pictures for Wankable Wednesday? A GREAT way to promote your site and try to get more followers... I don't think too many people even know you are here yet! Also, PLEASE consider writing me a story for Fantasy Friday... you AND brat, if she would like!

Big hugs to you both.

Master Fitz said...

Hi tiggr,

Thanks for popping in - and leaving such a great comment!

You're right, the M/s is already making a great difference to her mood and depression. Things are much much improved from the black days we've faced before now.

Thanks for the offer of help, it'd be good for brat to have another spanko to chat to :)

(she hates that expression, BTW. Dunno why - she definitely is one)

All creative skill seems to have left me for a couple of days now, which is why Wednesdays events haven't been chronicled yet, so we may leave it a couple of weeks before joining in with WW or FF. It's definitely on our ToDo list, though. You have a teriffic, lively blog and I'd be chuffed to bits to get involved!

Theresa said...

Hi Master Fitz
I read about your blog on Tiggr's post this morning. It is really great and I too will be back. I knew there was a cure for depression that didn't come out of a bottle. Spanking, a good spanking...that's what I need!
Bye for now!

Master Fitz said...

Too right, Theresa!

Who needs drugs when you can get a glowy red ass instead?